The Power of Nature - Cancer and the Solution

"Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food."         Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine.

All the following information I took from "Chi Machine Inernational: The Power of Nature", and summarises the most important guidelines and advises from different very knowledgable  and brave medical professionals.

Shocking but true:

How many years does it take to become a doctor? Average 12 YEARS
How many hours of nutritional education is given in medical school? Nacional surveys says... 12-20 HOURS.
How many conventional doctors and oncologists will tell you sugar feeds cancer? Practically ZERO. It is a fact that sugar is commonly offered to patients prior to a chemo session.

As Hippocrates said, over 2,500 years ago, "He who does not know food, how can he understand the diseases of man?"

The Basics:

All anti-cancer diet guidance, is simply a variation of natural, whole foods.

Golden Rule: IDEALLY, take very little into the body that has been cooked or processed, besides vegetables which are ok to bake or steam.

  1. Organic fresh veggies and low sugar fruits are best choice. Frozen is an option when fruits are out of season or difficult to obtain.
  2. Refrain from eating too much cooked food which removes healing properties and kills critical enzymes - steam, bake or boil lightly. 
  3. Juicing of fresh, raw vegetables is important for vitamins, minerals and enzymes (drink immediately for potency) - diet still includes whole  veggies and whole fruit for fiber to cleanse and detox the colon.
  4. Eat seasonal and eat locally for fresh produce - shop at a local farmers markets, commonly set up, on weekends.
  5. Never mix animal protein with carbs. Carbs turn into glucose which feeds cancer.
  6. Fruits should always be eating alone - focus on low sugar fruits: berries with seeds (for B17) are good.



ALL CANCER BODIES are acidic which creates oxygen depletion, and thus they have a very low pH balance. Cancer cells must be reverted to an alkaline environment and a pH balance of at least 7.3
As the acidity is removed, the oxygen can return.

"Cancer, about all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of OXYGEN in normal body cells by a fermentation of SUGAR".
                                             Dr Otto H. Warburg - Nobel Prize winner 1931, Germany                                                                  


All cells, including cancer cells, are fueled by glucose. If you deprive them of glucose, they switch to an alternate fuel know as ketone bodies, except cancer cells. A defect prevents them from switching to ketone bodies as fuel, so cancer cells can only thrive and survive on glucose. All other cells can use either glucose or ketone bodies. Therefore, if you stop feeding cancer cells glucose, they die.

Cancer cells have 28 times more insulin receptors than normal cells, which is why starch and sugar make cancer explode.

  1. Pancreatic cancer feeds on fructose - avoid fruit completely in this case.
  2. Blood system cancer - lymphoma, leukemia, myeloma - need to include lean meat protein so as to build blood and bone marrow.
  3. Any cancer that involves heavy bleeding and anemia need to include organic/grass fed/free range meat for iron.


pH Balance - Alkaline Food and Drink is the key to health

Healing anti-cancer colours: dark green, red and purple


Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage - prevent estrogen dominance
Brussel Sprouts - Excellent for combating breast cancer.

Dark leafy Greens: Kale, Collard Greens, Mustard Greens, Turnip Greens, Bok Choy
Spinach - excellent for protecting against breast and lung cancer
Wheatgrass -A shotgun blast to cancer cells!
Watercress - Lutein content combats cancer cells.

Carrots and Beets (strengthen kidneys) both have high glucose content but many nutrients that override the sugar and kill cancer cells. Carrots may be eaten raw or preferable juiced.

Lentils: According to a study in the International Journal of Cancer, women who eat beans and lentils have a significantly lower risk of developing breast cancer because they contain antioxidants, fiber and phytoestrogens (also a good source of protein).

Mushrooms: Chiitake ( stimulates the immune system), Maitake, Reichi all have protein called lectin, which attacks cancerous cells and prevents them from multiplying.

Hot Peppers: Capsalsin, and ingredient of jalapeno peppers, triggers cancer cell death by attaching mitochondria (power cell battery).
Habanero chill peppers - attack prostate cancer
Cayenne Pepper - increases circulation (cancer thrives on poor circulation).

Turmeric (and extract curcumin) - inhibits production of the inflammation related enzyme content, levels of which are abnormally high in certain inflammatory diseases and cancer. Turmeric blocks cancer cells growth. In several studies it was revealed that turmeric can reduce tumour size by 81%

NOTE: Turmeric is a natural blood thinner and not advisable for some cancer patients.

Garlic - Helps blood and tissue hold more oxygen, which cancer hates.  Sulphur compounds are proven to protect against cancer by neutralizing carcinogens and slowing tumour growth. Antibacterial, and anti-viral.
Ginger - Found to reduce tumors, and significant anti inflammatory effects. Excellent to reduce nausea and vomiting. 
Horseradish - Excellent for detoxification. 
Vegetables should be lightly steamed, gently sautéed or baked. Cooking breaks down the tough fiber in vegetables, allowing us to absorb many more nutrients. Raw is ok, such as for salads or juicing.

Two slices of raw daikon or one slice of raw jicama, or raw herbs -ginger, garlic, cayenne, mustard, tarragon, dill weed or horseradish - are recommended by Dr Lawrence Wilson, and expert on cancer, nutrition, detoxification and natural healing.

"Vegetables offer literally hundred of phytonutrients that offset pollution and provide protection from cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and many other ailments, and have the ability to rebuild the body better than any other food. They also provide healthy fiber and a wide range of vitamins and minerals that are hard to obtain any other way, including pills and drinks" - Dr Lawrence Wilson, nutrition and cancer expert.


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